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Pillars of a Successful Relationship
Over your years of parenting and being together I am sure you have a dream of how you want your relationship to be. In our own journey we discovered four pillars to guide us.

Do you find each other fascinating? How does being together serve you? In what ways do you turn each other on?
What is your Life Vision? Are your personal and parenting values aligned? What does your heart long for in this relationship?
Do you create quality time together? Are you a priority for each other? How do you balance all the different aspects of your life?
Do you tell each other honestly what’s going on for you? Do you really listen? Do you know how to solve the inevitable conflicts?
Build your intimate relationship
6 Months: Starts 1 October 2022
Our aim is to support parents build a healthy couple relationship.
Our children are important, no doubt about it. But you know if you are not taking good care of yourselves and your relationship it is hard to take good care of your kids.
We are parents, trainers in Nonviolent Communication and Solution Focus coaches.
Add our experience working with parents, couples and educators and it means we offer unique insights and tools to support you create and maintain a healthy intimate relationship as well as being great parents.